Have a tailored conversation full of insight answering any questions that you might have with an Expert Consultant

Solo Hourly

$35 / month

Get started with basic features

  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Price: USD $35 per Hour
  • Maximum: 1 person
Get started

Most popular

Group Hourly

$28 / month

All the basics for starting a new business

  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Price: USD $28 per Hour
  • Mininum: 3 Persons
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Solo Half Hour

$25 / month

Everything you need for a growing business

  • Duration: 30 Minutes
  • Price: USD $25 per Half Hour
  • Maximum: 1 person
Get started

Group Half Hour

$22 / month

Advanced features for scaling your business

  • Duration: 30 Minutes
  • Price: USD $22 per Half Hour per Person
  • Mininum: 3 persons
Get started


Have a tailored program designed to give you an extra leg up in trading cryptocurrencies


$56 / recommendation
  • Trade recommendations with no commitment.
  • Price: USD $56 per trade recommendation
  • Communication method

  • In Person
  • Viber
  • Phone
  • Skype
  • Telegram
  • Google Meet
  • Zoom
  • Whatsapp
Get started


  • One hour consultation per month for one calendar year
  • 24 trade recommendations over the course of one calendar year.
  • Price: USD $1,000 (Paid in Full)
  • Communication method

  • In Person
  • Viber
  • Phone
  • Skype
  • Telegram
  • Google Meet
  • Zoom
  • Whatsapp
Get started


$1,800 / year
  • One hour consultation per month for one calendar year.
  • 24 trade recommendations over the course of one calendar year.
  • 10% of the overall company net profits split equally and distributed to each client.
  • Bonus pool is split equally among all VIP members.
  • Access to a portfolio of cryptocurrency investments dating back to 2017.
  • Access to a portfolio of cryptocurrency investments dating back to 2017.
  • Price: USD $1800
  • Communication method

  • In Person
  • Viber
  • Phone
  • Skype
  • Telegram
  • Google Meet
  • Zoom
  • Whatsapp
Get started
Image Description


Besides working with start-up enterprises as a partner for digitalization, we have built enterprise products for common pain points that we have encountered in various products and projects.

Bitcoin is a global currency, unrivaled with other markets. Our Professional Management Consulting program provides a rare opportunity to gain unparalleled returns from an emerging asset class. We are extremely passionate about producing a well-rounded and diversified community in which everyone prospers with proven years of results. Rest assure that your hard-earned money is in good hands with us.



BITCOVERSE has a team of Professional Consultants with an impeccable history of over 9 years of successful experience (only the last five years have been tracked under our Trade Performances Year by Year informative page). The company’s Principal started consulting initially in a discretionary capacity and more recently having evolved into an advanced systematic approach.

After having studied Bitcoin for some time, the firm's Principal was struck by the resemblance with commodities as those developed into investable asset markets from the mid-1990s onwards.

The aim of BITCOVERSE Professional Management Consulting is to provide maximum exposure to the price movements of cryptocurrencies while managing the risks associated with such which come with being involved in an exciting new emerging market. Bitcoin's acceptance has grown rapidly as investors have begun to recognize the value of an asset with limited issuance, insulated from the effects of any country's monetary policy and is paving the way for Alt Coins to have a place as well.

BITCOVERSE has a proven track record managing the risks and inherent volatility while outperforming the US Dollar index over the long term. We bring wide-ranging expertise and research into the drivers behind cryptocurrencies; investing long, short and trading, in order to produce outstanding return on investments.



BITCOVERSE delivers a wealth of experience across different Digital Asset’s and market conditions. Being among the first to professionally consult clients on Bitcoin as an asset class certainly gives us an edge above the competition. Factors such as market activity, news flow, social media, new market entrants, regulatory developments, and technical developments on the cryptocurrency network are constantly watched by us so that we can maintain an up-to-the-minute understanding and knowledge of the marketplace and then proceed accordingly.


We believe it is significantly important that you read and fully understand the following risks of investing.


We are not financial advisors. We are Digital Asset Consultants. All investments, including cryptocurrency as pertaining to digital assets, is speculative in nature and involves substantial risk of loss. We encourage our investors to invest carefully. We also encourage investors to get personal advice from your professional investment advisor and to make independent investigations before acting on information that we publish. Much of our information is derived directly from information published by companies or submitted to governmental agencies on which we believe are reliable, but are without our independent verification. Therefore, we cannot assure you that the information is accurate or complete. We do not in any way warrant or guarantee the success of any action you take in reliance on our statements or recommendations.

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. All investments carry risk and all investment decisions of an individual remain the responsibility of that individual. There is no guarantee that systems, indicators, or signals will result in profits or that they will not result in losses. All investors are advised to fully understand all risks associated with any kind of investing they choose to do.

Hypothetical or simulated performance is not indicative of future results. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all return examples provided in our websites and publications are based on hypothetical or simulated investing. We make no representations or warranties that any investor will, or is likely to, achieve profits similar to those shown, because hypothetical or simulated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Don’t enter any investment without fully understanding the worst-case scenarios of that investment. Don't invest more then you can afford to lose.


An investor’s performance and the value of their portfolios are subject to general economic conditions and risks associated with our digital asset market:

  • Downturns in international, national, regional and local economic conditions;
  • Increases in the supply of or decreases in the demand for similar or competing digital assets;
  • Bankruptcies, financial difficulties by companies;
  • Our ability to provide adequate maintenance;
  • Civil unrest, acts of God, including earthquakes, floods and other natural disasters, which may result in uninsured losses, and acts of war or terrorism;
  • Changes in, or increased costs of compliance with, governmental laws, rules, regulations and fiscal policies, including changes in tax, and our potential liability there under;


All calculations and data presented within the BITCOVERSE publications and digital marketing and media including but not limited to websites, brochures, presentations and return models are deemed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. The projected pro forma returns on investment are intended for the purpose of illustrative projections to facilitate analysis and are not guaranteed by BITCOVERSE or its affiliates and subsidiaries. Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

The information provided herein is not intended to replace or serve as a substitute for any legal, digital asset, tax, or other professional advice, consultation or service. The prospective investor should consult with a professional in the respective legal, digital asset, tax, accounting, or other professional area before making any decisions or entering into any contracts pertaining to any program.

All marketing and media material has been prepared to provide summary, unverified information to prospective purchasers, and to establish only a preliminary level of interest in the subject digital asset. The information contained herein is not a substitute for a thorough due diligence investigation. BITCOVERSE has not made any investigation, and makes no warranty or representation, with respect to the income or expenses for the subject digital asset, the future projected financial performance of the digital asset, the compliance with State and Federal regulations. The information presented has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however, BITCOVERSE has not verified, and will not verify, any of the information contained herein, nor has BITCOVERSE conducted any investigation regarding these matters and makes no warranty or representation whatsoever regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. All potential investors must take appropriate measures to verify all of the information set forth herein.



BIWe endeavor to meet Turkey and internationally recognized standards of personal privacy protection. Any personal information requested through this site is used only for the purposes made clear at the point of collection. Information may be shared across jurisdictions in which the business operates where necessary. This site uses cookies solely for general analytics purposes.


All information contained within this website is provided for general information purposes only and is intended to present a guide to the services which may be provided from time to time by BITCOVERSE. Nothing published on the site is intended to be: (i) legal, professional, tax or other advice; (ii) a recommendation to undertake (or to cease undertaking) any action whatsoever; or (iii) an advertisement, solicitation or legal offer; and should not be construed as any of the foregoing. BITCOVERSE would recommend that in all cases appropriate professional, legal and other relevant advice should be obtained before pursuing a particular course of action.

BITCOVERSE accepts no responsibility for the content of any other website through which you may have gained access to this website, or to which you may gain access from this website. This website is governed by the laws of Turkey. Any communication with BITCOVERSE via this website will be deemed to have taken place in Turkey. The website is not directed at and should not be used by any person who is (by nature of their nationality, domicile or otherwise) prohibited from accessing the material published herein. All users must accept personal responsibility for use of this website.

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